Monday, October 24, 2011

Wilhelmina Denver Models - Fashion Photography

I recently had the opportunity to photograph models from Wilhelmina Denver. I was really excited to dive into the world of fashion photography. I believe that my photography already had a bit of a fashion flair to it, but working with these Wilhelmina Denver models was loads of fun, and I am extremely happy with everything that came of it. When I scheduled the shoots with the booker Katie at Wilhelmina, the sun seemed to be setting a bit earlier. So we planned to shoot between 5-7pm. The sun actually ended up setting around 6:30-6:45, so I got to play around with low-lighting, and I feel like it's one of those happy accidents that needed to happen. My favorite images from the shoots are actually the ones we took in the dark.

The first shoot I had was with Dana Egleston. We started the shoot off next to the Museum of Contemporary Art in Denver. The textured walls in the area were perfect, we then literally ran up to the Denver Millenium Bridge to catch the setting sun. I didn't know what to expect with Dana, I am used to giving tons of direction and it's actually something I enjoy doing, but Dana barely needed any. There was a lot of, "Yes...keep doing that, perfect, awesome, you look great!" I absolutely loved working with Dana and I have no doubt that she will go far.

Here is one of my favorite pictures from her shoot, this one was taken at the Denver Millenium Bridge after the sun set.

fashion photography, wilhelmina denver, modeling, fashion, denver photography, denver photography locations, low-light photography

Here is another image of Dana, and Jordan Casey. It was ridiculously windy when I did Dana's shoot, but I love working in the wind. The images are often more dramatic than they would have been otherwise. I just love the way Dana's hair is blowing in this picture.

fashion photography, wilhelmina denver, modeling, fashion, denver photography, denver photography locations, mixed model, green eyed model

Jordan Casey was a pleasure to work with. She is absolutely gorgeous! She has the most amazingly beautiful eyes. We randomly found this tiny patch of grass near a railroad. I wanted to make it look like she was out in the middle of no where. This was also after the sun went down. Nature compliments Jordan very well.

fashion photography, wilhelmina denver, modeling, fashion, denver photography, denver photography locations, low-light photography

You can really see how stunning Jordan's eyes are in the picture below. The other model in the picture below is Tessa Collard. Tessa is hardcore. It was so cold and windy outside when we shot her pictures, and she didn't complain at all. She not only made it seem bearable (I was wearing both a sweater and a jacket, the Texan in me can't deal with the cold), she looked beautiful while enduring it.

fashion photography, wilhelmina denver, modeling, fashion, denver photography, denver photography locations, textured walls

Ok, so I generally don't take pictures of people laying down. It's not always the most flattering position for pictures. I asked Tessa to do it because I loved the the colors with her outfit. She looks so pretty next to the green grass. Thanks again Tessa for complying with my whims. Lynsey Knapp is the model in the picture below on the left. We had so much fun at her shoot just finding little places to shoot. We got off to a late start, but again I had fun working with the sun going down.

fashion photography, wilhelmina denver, modeling, fashion, denver photography, denver photography locations, downtown denver, scarf, overalls, grass

This set of pictures is another example of why I am now slightly obsessed with night photography. Girls, you are fantastically beautiful and I wish you the best.

fashion photography, wilhelmina denver, modeling, fashion, denver photography, denver photography locations, downtown denver, scarf, overalls, grass

I also want to thank all of the parents that so willingly helped out on these shoots. You are awesome.