Monday, September 19, 2011

My Yellowstone/Teton Vacation

Travis took a wilderness EMT training course in Wyoming for a month this year. Once he finished we decided we would check out Yellowstone as a sort of celebration. Unfortunately we were both strapped for cash, I made the argument that we should just wait until we had more money. He made the argument that I would be on my deathbed someday wishing that I had gone to Yellowstone when I had the chance. Goodness. I am such a sucker. So we went. I planned the trip in a couple days. The goal was to see EVERYTHING which if you have been there, you know that's quite a feat. It was so much bigger, and so much more beautiful than I ever would have guessed. Anyhow, here are the pictures and the video I made while we were there. I suggest that if you can make this trip, that you do.

I'll show you the video first because it's so much fun.

I am only going to post a few of my favorites from the trip. I seriously took about 4000 pictures!

I love these signs! I don't know who designed them, but they are so darn cute to me. I am sure cute isn't what they were going for.

This is a little private marina we found in the Tetons. I jumped out of the car to take pictures. Can you imagine living somewhere like this? How could you ever be upset about anything with a view like this?

This is Jackson Lake. This is about the time that we decided that we had to rent a canoe.

These geysers were outstanding!

You can't go to Yellowstone and come back without a picture of Old Faithful. Everyone knows this.

Ok. So I am not the best at taking self portraits, but we just had to. Our out-takes were hilarious! I really love the way this shot turned out though. This is a few steps away from our first camp site at Madison Campground.

This first picture was where I heard the bear. I wanted to stay so I could get some pictures from a distance, but Travis thought it was best for us to get out of there in a hurry. In retrospect, I can see how silly I was being.

At first I thought these were just clouds, then I realized there was a raging forest fire up ahead. We ended up driving though the smoke on the way home for about an hour. Crazy stuff. We talked to a couple of rangers and they said it was a measly fire compared to some of the ones they'd seen. They don't even try to put them out. They just let them burn themselves out unless it threatens something important.

I'm so happy I went, I hope you get to see it for yourself.

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